This year we are proud to partner with IR Magazine and Corporate Secretary for the upcoming ESG Integration Forum – Europe on March 1. This year’s forum will bring together experts from Europe and is the ultimate place to learn about developments around expectations related to environmental, social and governance factors… and this year, we are back in person!
As a partner, we can offer you our discount code, NEVIR20, for you to get 20% off the pass price.
What to expect at this hybrid event
- Learn about the role of companies in the era of stakeholder capitalism and understand how stakeholder capitalism is shaping regulation, expectations of public companies and the impact it could have on incoming legislation.
- Discuss the impact of the ISSB on sustainability reporting and ensure that your systems and processes are up-to-speed with the latest developments in ESG reporting.
- Benchmark your climate reporting practices against leading companies by hearing about how other companies implement TCFD reporting and approach climate-related targets.
- Learn how to measure your societal contribution and discover the social factors your stakeholders and investors are most interested in this year.
- Amplify your ESG story share best practices about communicating your ESG-related initiatives, performance and policies.
- Learn about the ESG issues that investors are most interested in this year and have your questions answered during our live investor Q&A.
Join us at the ESG Integration Forum – Europe to make sure you’re best placed to take on the newest ESG-related challenges that issuers face.